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What are the Pros and Cons of Body Positivity, Body Acceptance, & Body Neutrality

Body positivity, body acceptance, and body neutrality are concepts related to how individuals perceive and relate to their bodies. While they share some similarities, there are distinct differences in their underlying principles and approaches. Here's an overview of each concept, along with their pros and cons:

Body Positivity:

Body positivity is a movement that aims to challenge and dismantle societal beauty standards, promoting acceptance and appreciation of diverse body shapes, sizes, and appearances. It emphasizes the idea that all bodies are valuable and deserve respect, regardless of how they conform to cultural ideals. Body positivity encourages self-love, confidence, and celebrating one's unique attributes.


  • Promotes inclusivity and diversity by challenging narrow beauty standards.

  • Encourages self-acceptance and self-love, fostering improved body image.

  • Provides a supportive community for individuals seeking validation and empowerment.

  • Highlights the importance of recognizing and appreciating one's inherent worth beyond appearance.


  • Can sometimes focus on appearance and reinforce the idea that self-worth is tied to physical appearance.

  • May inadvertently exclude certain body types, especially those less visible or less commonly represented.

  • It can be criticized for not addressing structural issues related to body image, such as the influence of media or systemic discrimination.

  • Some argue that body positivity places an excessive emphasis on appearance, rather than prioritizing overall well-being.

Body Acceptance:

Body acceptance involves recognizing and acknowledging one's body as it is, without judgment or comparison to external ideals. It emphasizes embracing and making peace with one's body, appreciating its functionality and uniqueness, irrespective of its conformity to societal beauty standards. Body acceptance focuses on self-compassion, respect, and nurturing a positive relationship with one's body.


  • Encourages a non-judgmental and compassionate attitude towards one's body.

  • Promotes self-care and prioritizes overall well-being over appearance.

  • Supports the development of a healthier body image and improved mental health.

  • Shifts the focus from external appearance to internal feelings, capabilities, and experiences.


  • May be challenging for individuals with deeply ingrained negative body image or those struggling with body dysmorphia or eating disorders, as acceptance can be a complex process.

  • Critics argue that body acceptance may inadvertently discourage individuals from pursuing healthy lifestyle changes or engaging in physical fitness activities.

  • Some people may feel that acceptance falls short of addressing the societal factors that contribute to body dissatisfaction and discrimination.

Body Neutrality:

Body neutrality promotes a shift in focus away from appearance and towards a more neutral perspective on the body. It suggests that individuals redirect their energy and attention toward other aspects of life beyond their physical appearance. Body neutrality encourages individuals to value their bodies for their functionality and the experiences they enable, rather than obsessing over appearance.


  • Reduces the pressure to constantly evaluate and judge one's body based on appearance.

  • Allows individuals to redirect their energy towards activities and experiences that bring fulfillment and joy.

  • It can help develop a healthier relationship with one's body by recognizing its inherent worth beyond aesthetics.

  • Encourages a more balanced and holistic view of self.


  • Critics argue that body neutrality may undermine efforts to challenge beauty standards and promote body acceptance.

  • It may be difficult for individuals to detach from appearance-focused thoughts and behaviours, especially in a culture that emphasizes physical appearance.

  • Body neutrality may be perceived as disengagement or indifference towards body-related issues, potentially downplaying the impact of body image concerns.

It's important to note that these concepts can overlap and evolve over time, and individuals may resonate with different aspects of each. It's crucial to find an approach that aligns with your personal values, promotes self-care, and supports overall well-being. Want to learn more? Book a free consult today.


  1. Boakye, K., Park, J. W., & Sustaita, D. (2019). Conceptualizations of Body Image: A Review of the Literature. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2470. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02470

  2. Tylka, T. L., & Wood-Barcalow, N. L. (2015). The Body Appreciation Scale-2: Item refinement and psychometric evaluation. Body Image, 12, 53-67. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2014.09.006

  3. Meadows, A., Higgs, S., & Burke, S. (2017). Distinguishing between body acceptance and body positivity: A mapping of contemporary literature. Body Image, 22, 291-298. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2017.09.003

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